Monday, June 15, 2009

Looking through my small 'how to write' library, I realize that I don't have as many books about the craft of writing as I had thought. There is a small assortment of very out of date books from the early 1980s that I probably need to get rid of. I'm sure that Christian publishing has gone through some changes since then.

I think that my favorite, the one I go to over and over again is, Writing the Christian Romance, by Gail Gaymer Martin. I've seen many reviews for this book, all of them positive and I could see why after my first glance.

Have any of you purchased the The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Christian Fiction, by Ron Benrey? I've been considering it, but I don't know anyone else that has read it.

What other books would any of you recommend as important for your Christian writing library?

1 comment:

Terri Tiffany said...

Glad I could give you a suggestion. The editing book I use has (self-editing for fiction writers) has already improved my writing this month: Hope you get a copy and do the same:) I got mine used at Amazon for $6